Edited books

#2 on the Amazon best-seller list for Business Humor
Well, Doc, It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time!
Civility Rules! Creating a Purposeful Practice of Civility: George Washington’s Rules Redefined
Far from Reality
Korea Reborn: A Grateful Nation Honors War Veterans for 60 Years of Growth
Vietnam 50 Years Later: A Time to Honor: Stories of Service, Duty, and Sacrifice
The Liberation of Kuwait: Honoring the Veterans of Desert Storm
Breaching the Summit: Inspiring Leadership Lessons from Six Military Journeys to the Top
From the Prairie to the Pentagon: The Inspiring Story of the Airman Who Achieved the Highest Position Ever Held by an Enlisted Woman in U.S. Military History
What They Don't Teach You in Business School: Real-World Sales and Service Skills You Need to Win and Wow Clients!
How Much is That Cure in the Window?: Simple Math Solutions for Complicated Problems in Biology, Medicine, and Healthcare
Joyce’s Boy: The Life and Times of Alan E. Hall
My West Side Story: A Memoir of Empathy, Compassion, and Dignity Between the Railroad Tracks on Salt Lake City's West Side
Swan Dives Are Not in My DNA: Love the Woman You Are, Stop Being Someone You're Not
https://www.amazon.com/Swan-Dives-Are-Not-DNA/dp/0999139606Chronicles of a Journey: Embracing Pain on My Path to Self-Discovery
Massive Action Equals Massive Success: Learn the Critical Mental Framework to Focus Your Energy, Reach Your Goals Quicker, and Live an Insanely Awesome Life
You Can't Do It Naked: From Exposed to Fully Clothed in the Armor of God
https://www.amazon.com/You-Cant-Do-Naked-Exposed/dp/1540582922Edited article
“Enhancing Teacher Education and Community Learning Center Programs through
Critical Participatory Action Research,”
i.e.: inquiry in education (2019), Vol. 11 Issue 1
“Shut Your Mouth and Save Your Life: A Systems-based Approach to Interlabial
Gap and Facial Function,” Dr. Michael Gunson,
Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery
Books and articles by Elayne
National Beef: National Beef Packing Company History 1992–2009
“Stalled!: Designing the Public Restroom of the Future,”
Res Gestae (Salt Lake City: University of Utah publications, 2019)