Key Publications

Edited books

Amazon best-seller list for Business Humor

#2 on the Amazon best-seller list for Business Humor

Well, Doc, It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time!
Creating a Purposeful Practice of Civility: George Washington’s Rules Redefined

Civility Rules! Creating a Purposeful Practice of Civility: George Washington’s Rules Redefined
Korea Reborn: A Grateful Nation Honors War Veterans for 60 Years of Growth

Korea Reborn: A Grateful Nation Honors War Veterans for 60 Years of Growth
Vietnam 50 Years Later: A Time to Honor: Stories of Service, Duty, and Sacrifice

Vietnam 50 Years Later: A Time to Honor: Stories of Service, Duty, and Sacrifice
The Liberation of Kuwait: Honoring the Veterans of Desert Storm

The Liberation of Kuwait: Honoring the Veterans of Desert Storm
Breaching the Summit: Inspiring Leadership Lessons from Six Military Journeys to the Top

Breaching the Summit: Inspiring Leadership Lessons from Six Military Journeys to the Top
From the Prairie to the Pentagon

From the Prairie to the Pentagon: The Inspiring Story of the Airman Who Achieved the Highest Position Ever Held by an Enlisted Woman in U.S. Military History
What They Do not Teach You in Business School

What They Don't Teach You in Business School: Real-World Sales and Service Skills You Need to Win and Wow Clients!
Simple Math Solutions for Complicated Problems in Biology, Medicine, and Healthcare

How Much is That Cure in the Window?: Simple Math Solutions for Complicated Problems in Biology, Medicine, and Healthcare
Joyce’s Boy: The Life and Times of Alan E. Hall

Joyce’s Boy: The Life and Times of Alan E. Hall
My West Side Story

My West Side Story: A Memoir of Empathy, Compassion, and Dignity Between the Railroad Tracks on Salt Lake City's West Side
Love the Woman You Are, Stop Being Someone You are Not

Swan Dives Are Not in My DNA: Love the Woman You Are, Stop Being Someone You're Not
Embracing Pain on My Path to Self-Discovery

Chronicles of a Journey: Embracing Pain on My Path to Self-Discovery
Massive Action Equals Massive Success

Massive Action Equals Massive Success: Learn the Critical Mental Framework to Focus Your Energy, Reach Your Goals Quicker, and Live an Insanely Awesome Life
From Exposed to Fully Clothed in the Armor of God

You Can't Do It Naked: From Exposed to Fully Clothed in the Armor of God

Edited article

“Enhancing Teacher Education and Community Learning Center Programs through Critical Participatory Action Research,” i.e.: inquiry in education (2019), Vol. 11 Issue 1
“Shut Your Mouth and Save Your Life: A Systems-based Approach to Interlabial Gap and Facial Function,” Dr. Michael Gunson, Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery

Books and articles by Elayne

National Beef: National Beef Packing Company History 1992–2009

Stalled!: Designing the Public Restroom of the Future,” Res Gestae (Salt Lake City: University of Utah publications, 2019)